Esta mañana me he levantado temprano, hoy se vendía la colección de Anna Dello Russo for H&M. Fui a la tienda de Portal del Ángel en Barcelona, para hacer algunas fotos de los fashionistas que esperaban en la puerta. Mi sorpresa al llegar fue grande. Solo unas veinte personas esperaban en la puerta!. Estuve allí casi dos horas, durante ese tiempo solo entraron unas cinco personas más. Mi intención de fotografiar a gente con looks atrevidos e interesantes, no me sirvió de mucho. La mayoría vestían de forma muy común, un par de ellos eran unos maniquíes sobreactuados y solo dos chicas me llamaron la atención.
esas dos chicas, una lucia por su sencillez. Con unas prendas básicas de
colores planos con pequeños detalles estampados en el cuello y las mangas. Una
bonita cartera vintage y el pelo al estilo californiano, pero muy natural.
otra chica, tenia un look mucho más punk. Con leggins de colores y estampados
navajo, una camisa de cuadros roja, botas Termans, un bolso de mensajero y unas
estupendas gafas de espejo rosa.
bien, hoy me han quedado claras dos cosas;
Que menos es más y que más también es más. Acertar con el look siempre depende
de como combines las cosas y de la actitud que tengas.
Que el video de Anna Dello Russo a servido más para amenizar las fiestas este
Septiembre que para atraer compradores a las tiendas.
que os guste! :-)
This morning I woke up early. Today was sold the collection of Anna Dello Russo for H&M. I went to the store of Portal de l'Angel in Barcelona, to take some photos of the fashionistas waiting at the door. My surprise on arrival was great. Only about twenty people waiting at the door!. I was there almost two hours, during which time only about five people came. My intention of photographing people with bold and interesting looks, not served me well. Most wore very common, a couple of them were just mannequins overacted and only two girls interested me.
From these two girls, one looked for its simplicity. With a few basic pieces of spot colors and small details printed on the neck and sleeves. A nice briefcase vintage and California-style hair, but very natural.
The other girl, had a much more punk look. With leggings Navajo colors and prints, a red checked shirt, boots Termans, a messenger bag and a fabulous pink mirrored sunglasses.
Well, today I have two things become clear;
One: that less is more and more is also more. Getting it right the look always depends on how you combine things and the attitude you have.
Two: That the video of Anna Dello Russo has served more to entertain parties this September that to attract shoppers to stores.
Hope you like it! :-)
This morning I woke up early. Today was sold the collection of Anna Dello Russo for H&M. I went to the store of Portal de l'Angel in Barcelona, to take some photos of the fashionistas waiting at the door. My surprise on arrival was great. Only about twenty people waiting at the door!. I was there almost two hours, during which time only about five people came. My intention of photographing people with bold and interesting looks, not served me well. Most wore very common, a couple of them were just mannequins overacted and only two girls interested me.
From these two girls, one looked for its simplicity. With a few basic pieces of spot colors and small details printed on the neck and sleeves. A nice briefcase vintage and California-style hair, but very natural.
The other girl, had a much more punk look. With leggings Navajo colors and prints, a red checked shirt, boots Termans, a messenger bag and a fabulous pink mirrored sunglasses.
Well, today I have two things become clear;
One: that less is more and more is also more. Getting it right the look always depends on how you combine things and the attitude you have.
Two: That the video of Anna Dello Russo has served more to entertain parties this September that to attract shoppers to stores.
Hope you like it! :-)
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